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Result of your search for "museums"

Suggestions 10 - 20 from38
  • Modernista Route

    Modernista Route

    Barcelona and its home-grown art nouveau movement, modernisme, go hand in hand. The style emerged in all its glory at the end of the 19th century to reveal itself in hundreds of extremely beautiful buildings which line the way. Let yourself be captivated once again by these masterpieces in a style full of opulence, fantasy, symbolism and colour.

  • Gaudí Route

    Gaudí Route

    Gaudí is a name associated with Barcelona who needs to be discovered while you admire his finest landmarks: a treasure trove of forms, ideas, symbols and fantasy which is hard to surpass. The Gaudí landmarks in Barcelona give a greater understanding of one of the most famous architects who ever worked in the city.

  • Picasso Route

    Picasso Route

    When the Malaga-born painter arrived in Barcelona he was only 14. The city offered him the art school, La Llotja, as well as the stunning light of the Mediterranean. Picasso donated a large number of his works to Barcelona which can be seen today at the city’s Museu Picasso.

  • Museums Exhibition centers

    Museums Exhibition centers

    Art, culture, science and entertainment come together in Barcelona's museums.

  • Carrer Montcada

    Carrer Montcada

    Barcelona's Carrer Montcada is lined with a succession of medieval, Renaissance and baroque palazzos, their majestic doorways opening to reveal their beautiful courtyards of venerable stone. They bear witness to the rich and glorious past of medieval Barcelona's main street which was home to the city's nobles.

  • Four days in Barcelona

    Four days in Barcelona

    You can get a lot out of four days in Barcelona if you plan your visit carefully. Here are some suggestions which include the city’s main landmarks and even invite you to discover some of the areas outside Barcelona, so that you can really make the most of your trip.

  • A day in Barcelona

    A day in Barcelona

    Capturing the essence of Barcelona in just one day is rather a tall order, but your efforts will be amply rewarded. Guaranteed!

  • Pailebot Santa Eulàlia

    Pailebot Santa Eulàlia

    A wonderful example of a historic three-masted vessel, which has been restored to the delight of anyone wishing to learn a little bit more about our country's seafaring past.

  • Barcelona

    The 11 counties in Barcelona province offer you a whole host of possibilities so that you can enjoy leisure, culture and nature.

  • Girona


    Surreal experiences, exceptional witnesses to Greek and Roman civilisations, more than 100 km of ski slopes, enchanted lakes, medieval villages, havens for scuba divers, volcanoes among legendary beech woods, seaside villages and 200 km of beaches and coves that have captivated a plethora of European avant-garde artists await you in the counties of Girona. Make sure you don't miss it!

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